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Best Nutrition Tips for Paddlers: Fuel Your Body for Success

 Hey there, paddlers! Whether you're part of a dragon boat team like the Desert Falcons or just love hitting the water, proper nutrition is key to keeping you strong, energized, and ready to paddle your best. Let’s dive into some simple, yet effective nutrition tips that will help you fuel your body for success on the water.

1. Start with a Balanced Pre-Paddle Meal

Imagine your body as a car—without fuel, you’re not going anywhere! Before you hit the water, make sure to eat a balanced meal that gives you energy.

What should you eat?
Focus on a mix of carbohydrates (for quick energy), protein (to keep your muscles strong), and a bit of healthy fat (to stay full). A great example is oatmeal topped with fruit and a spoonful of nut, or a chicken sandwich with whole-grain bread and a side of veggies.

When should you eat?
Try to eat 2-3 hours before paddling. This gives your body enough time to digest, so you have energy without feeling too full.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Water is your best friend, especially when you’re out on the water. Staying hydrated helps you paddle longer and feel better while doing it.

How much water do you need?
Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, and don’t forget to drink before, during, and after paddling. Here in Dubai, it’s hot outside and you’ll sweating a lot, consider adding an electrolyte drink to your routine. Nuun Sport Electrolyte Drink Tablets, you can get from Amazon, are a great option to keep your body balanced and hydrated.

Quick Tip:
Carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere. Make it a habit to sip water throughout the day, so you’re always hydrated.

3. Fuel During Your Paddle

If you’re out on the water for a long time, like during a race or a long practice session, you’ll need a little extra fuel to keep going.

What to eat?
Reach for easy-to-digest snacks like a banana, a handful of trail mix, or energy gels. These give you a quick burst of energy without weighing you down.

Quick Tip:
Pack snacks in a waterproof bag and keep them in your boat. That way, you can refuel whenever you need it.

4. Recover Right After Paddling

After a tough paddling session, your body needs some TLC. Eating the right foods after paddling helps you recover faster and get ready for your next adventure.

What’s a good recovery meal?
Aim for a snack or meal that’s high in protein and carbs. A smoothie made with Orgain Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder, a banana, and some almond milk is a tasty and nutritious option. Or you could go for a turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread with some fruit on the side.

When to eat?
Try to eat within 30 minutes to an hour after paddling. This is when your muscles are most ready to absorb the nutrients they need to recover.

5. Snack Smart Throughout the Day

Even when you’re not paddling, it’s important to keep your energy levels steady. That’s where smart snacking comes in!

What makes a good snack?
Think of snacks that combine protein and carbs, like apple slices with peanut butter, yogurt with granola, or a handful of nuts with a piece of fruit. These snacks keep your energy up without the sugar crash.

Quick Tip:
Keep healthy snacks in your bag, car, or at work. That way, you’re never caught hungry and reaching for junk food.

6. Listen to Your Body

Every paddler is different, and what works for someone else might not work for you. That’s why it’s important to listen to your body.

How do you feel after eating certain foods?
Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. If something doesn’t feel right, try something else. Your body knows best!

Quick Tip:
Keep a food journal for a week. Write down what you eat and how you feel afterward. This can help you figure out the best nutrition plan for you.

7. Avoid Common Pitfalls

We all make mistakes, but when it comes to nutrition, a few common ones can really slow you down.

What should you avoid?

  • Skipping meals: This can leave you feeling tired and sluggish.
  • Overeating: Too much food can make you feel heavy and uncomfortable.
  • Ignoring hydration: Even if you’re not thirsty, your body still needs water.

Quick Tip:
Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. This helps you avoid grabbing unhealthy options on the go.


Good nutrition is just as important as your paddling technique. By eating right and staying hydrated, you’ll have the energy to paddle your best and enjoy every moment on the water. Remember, it’s all about balance—finding the foods that fuel you and make you feel great. So, take these tips, experiment with what works for you, and get ready to crush it out on the water!

Happy paddling! 🐉🚣‍♂️

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