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Desert Falcons Water Training: August 24, 2024

 Last Saturday morning, the Desert Falcons were up bright and early for not one, but two intense water training sessions at Deira Creek.

Training 01: The Early Birds

The first session kicked off before the sun even had a chance to rise. With a call time of 4:45 AM, the team gathered with sleepy eyes but eager spirits. By 5:00 AM, everyone was in the boat, ready to start the day on the water. Intan took charge as the steerer, guiding the team with confidence.

On the left side, Philip, Mahmoud, Tonette, and Mary Ann held their paddles steady, while on the right, Joven, Evie, Ging, and Bielyn matched their strokes with precision. The team was focused, working together to push through the calm morning waters. The rhythm of the paddles, the cool breeze, and the quiet determination made for a solid start to the day.

Training 02: The Endurance Challenge

But the day was far from over. After a short break, the team was back at it for a second round of training. This time, the focus was on endurance, with a challenging 5km row ahead of them.

At 6:05 AM, the team was ready to go again. Intan once more led the crew, and with every stroke, they pushed their limits. On the left, Ferdz, Lemon, Len, Aby, Khaled, Zaiteer, and Nabhan powered through, while Manny, Bols, Chevy, Tonnette, Lambert, Ruby, and Jan kept pace on the right. The coach, Jerome, along with Dennis, Ging, Evie and JJ, provided additional support, encouraging everyone to give their best.

This endurance training was no easy feat, but the team pulled together, showing their strength and resilience. The challenge was tough, but the sense of accomplishment afterward was worth every drop of sweat.

A Morning Well Spent

By the end of the morning, the Desert Falcons had completed two solid training sessions, each one building their skills and strengthening their teamwork. It was hard work, but the camaraderie and shared determination made it all worthwhile. This is what being part of the Desert Falcons is all about—pushing boundaries, supporting each other, and growing stronger as a team.

Until next time, keep paddling, Falcons!

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