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Desert Falcons Water Training: August 31, 2024

 On Saturday morning, August 31st, the Desert Falcons were up bright and early for another action-packed water training session at Deira Creek. With the sun still hiding, the team gathered at QD’s, ready to paddle their way through a challenging workout.

Early Start, Strong Start

The call time was set for 5:15 AM, and by 5:25, the team was loading into the boat, gearing up for an intense session. Steerer Intan took charge, guiding the team as they prepared to hit the water. By 5:30 AM, everyone was in position, and the boat was ready to glide through the calm waters.

In the Boat

The lineup was solid, with Mahmoud and Bolz leading from the bow, setting the pace for the rest of the crew. Gob and JJ were right behind them, followed by Len, Jobai, Khaled, and Chevy, all working in sync to keep the boat moving smoothly. The middle and back of the boat were just as strong, with Neil, Alnita, Ferdz, Nafih, Dennis, Is, Phelan, Ruby, Mikko, and Lambert all pulling their weight. It was clear from the start that this was going to be a great session.

The Training Session

Over the course of the session, the Desert Falcons covered an impressive distance of 5,806 meters, clocking in a moving time of 56 minutes and 52 seconds. The team pushed hard, working together to maintain a steady pace and strong rhythm. There were moments of intense focus, as everyone dug deep to keep their strokes powerful and synchronized.

The energy on the boat was fantastic, with each paddler feeding off the determination and drive of their teammates. Intan’s steady hand on the rudder ensured that the boat stayed on course, while the experienced paddlers helped guide the newer members, offering tips and encouragement along the way.

Wrapping Up

As the session came to a close, there was a real sense of accomplishment among the team. They had worked hard, pushed through the fatigue, and completed a solid training session that would no doubt contribute to their overall improvement.

The Desert Falcons continue to impress with their dedication, teamwork, and positive attitude. Every training session brings the team closer together and helps them prepare for the challenges ahead.

Join the Desert Falcons!

If you’re interested in joining a team that’s all about hard work, fun, and camaraderie, the Desert Falcons are always welcoming new members. Check out our training schedule or read more about our recent activities to see what we’re all about. Whether you’re an experienced paddler or just starting out, there’s a place for you with the Desert Falcons!

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